No one wants a crisis, but they do happen, and you must be prepared to act, before the fact. It’s a challenge and a distraction. If handled correctly a crisis may even lead to opportunity and improved perception.
We help clients understand that everyone is susceptible to crisis. Everyone.
Do you truly understand your weaknesses? Most do not because they are too close to the situation. It’s the proverbial “can’t see the forest for the trees” scenario. Everyone faces risk. It may be a challenge to your reputation or to your revenues, or both. You don’t have to be in a controversial industry to be vulnerable. Every successful enterprise has competitors and adversaries. We help clients understand what might come, what’s worth fighting, and what should simply be ignored. If you don’t understand what risk you face beforehand, chances are you won’t be able to respond effectively, when they do.
We help create the required structure and procedures to handle the challenge appropriately.

Every senior decision maker needs a trusted, objective, experienced voice when they are facing challenges that affect an organization’s reputation and market share. Every action leads to reaction, internally, and externally.
We provide our clients confidential and seasoned guidance as they make crucial decisions.
Sometimes the best messengers are not the one’s most in need of it being delivered. There’s an understood lack of objectivity and bias, that can undermine effectiveness. Having third party voices can be incredibly valuable and effective.
We assist our clients in capturing the support of credible voices whose willingness to engage on your issue helps raise awareness, educates the public, mobilizes support.

A key component of any crisis in today’s environment is how your organization effectively and proactively manages the media coverage. Too many organizations revert to “no comment” or think it will just go away. It won’t. And by not responding, they allow others to define their situation and position. You must play offense and defense to win the ballgame.
We coach. You win.

With an extensive network of business, government and political relationships across the country, Felkel Group opens doors and provide counsel and guidance until the deal is closed and the contract signed.
Need intelligence on an issue, project, or pending vote? Felkel Group has the credibility, confidentiality and connections can get the answers you seek.